Doddridge County Park Endowment Fund Fundraiser
May 02, 2023
All Day

Dear Friends of Doddridge County Park,
Give Local MOV, as part of the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation, is coming up Tuesday, May 2! Print a reminder for yourself! We need your help! Please join our campaign and help us reach our goal of $12,500 and 50 donors! We need you to tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference.
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As a reminder, Doddridge County Park is participating in this one-day online giving program in several ways:
Donors can give to the Friends of Doddridge County Park Endowment Fund by visiting Give to Doddridge County Park | Give Local MOV
- We have matching challenges to meet:
- The Parkersburg Community Foundation will match dollar for dollar, up to $2,200, each dollar raised.
- The West Union Bank has generously challenged us to an additional match. This additional match shows their understanding of the value of a strong endowment to the future of our organization.
- A donation on May 2th of even $10 dollars turns into $30 dollars thanks to these generous matches.
- Consider a gift on Give Local Day and spread the word to your friends and colleagues. Here is the link to the DCPRC giving page: Give to Doddridge County Park | Give Local MOV
- The Doddridge County Community Foundation, Doddridge County 4-H and the Doddridge County Humane Society are also participating in Give Local Day! They each have a variety of matching opportunities that will double, and in some cases triple, donations made online on Give Local Day. Again, consider a gift and spread the word to your friends and colleagues. Here are the links to each organization’s giving page:
Make your gifts on May 2 and help build an endowment benefiting the Park! I encourage you to share this e-mail with others who may be interested in making donations to any of the organizations on Give Local Day.
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